The 6th Pill - Tokyo Boxing, Apocalyptic Point-and-Click and Monster Munch
This week includes: power-violence from Japan, Pomodoro toolkit, meditations on Final Fantasy and a vampire from Montreal.
👊 Hi,
This week on the menu we have:
📺 Movie / series / short - Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person - This movie could be just a short with one scene (the "music listening one"), but instead, it is built around it. And it is a nice and charming build, proving that vampire romance can be more than just Twilight memes and tropes.
🎧 Album to listen to - Tokyo Fist Soundtrack (Spotify / Youtube) - This soundtrack is as fascinating as the movie it serves as a sound layer for - from harsh industrial to chime-like relaxation and power-violence. If you're looking for an introduction to the weird world of Japanese music, look no further.
🎤 Lecture / podcast to listen to - Isamu Kamikokuryo, Art directing Final Fantasy - Archipel knows how to direct game documentaries, and their attempt to get into Isamu Kamikokuryo's head is an information-packed, stellar journey. Kudos to the team who take real-life inspirations and put them next to their Final Fantasy counterparts.
🎮 Game to play - Norco - Point-and-click gaming is a cherished relic of the 90s, where it bloomed in full, immersing us in static, yet complex worlds and offering narratives like almost no other title (before complex CRPGs came along). Norco twists and spins this formula into a bleak, yet worryingly familiar and possible version of our future, where there is only gloom.
📖 Book to read - Anime Architecture - A book that served as a companion to an exhibition of the same name, showcasing the buildings and cityscapes from the most impactful anime movies and series out there. Money well spent if you want to meditate on Patlabor backgrounds and read about their history at the same time.
🪄 Tool - Sessions - Pomodoro timer, but without the simplicity and limitations of the system (which is a very good thing) and with extra customizable options. 👌🏻
📱 Internet WWW - Monsterscene - As a 90s kid, I cannot resist the urge to get lost on and look for gems from the past. And the Halloween season points me in one direction with a flavor of small images and slow loading times.
Inhale the narratives, get inspired, pass it forward.